Put this in your shopping cart

The recession may be coming to a close, but that doesn’t mean that everyone’s out of the red. Luckily, Brooklyn-based artist Kevin Cyr has a solution to pricey accommodation— a shopping cart shelter!

Camper Kart. Photo from: kevincyr.net

The “Camper Kart” is a collapsible, tent-like structure all contained within a movable shopping cart. It includes a retractable roof, a back door and is large enough to house Cyr’s 5-foot-8-inch body.

Camper Kart Blueprint by kevincyr.net

The structure was inspired by Cormac McCarthy’s post-apocalyptic novel, The Road (which was adapted into a film starring Viggo Mortensen and released in autumn 2009), in which father and son’s lives are contained within one shopping cart. Cyr decided to play upon the shopping cart’s double life: it is at once an object related to excessive consumption and, at the same time, with poverty and homelessness.

Similarly, Cyr’s previous project, the “Camper Bike”, places an object of middle-class prosperity—the camper— onto the back of a Chinese three-wheeled flatbed bike. The odd juxtaposition between West and East, rich and poor, is humorous, but its functionality is serious.

Camper Bike by kevincyr.net

Cyr plans on experimenting with an Indian rickshaw for his next piece. Making one wonder, are these the condos of the future?

-Otiena Ellwand

Camper Bike Blueprint by kevincyr.net

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